from Vulnerability to Resilience

Miraculous Transformation - from Vulnerability to Resilience

I could not deny this miracle. I never thought I would become a mom, but I did.

When I spoke about postpartum rehab as a physical therapist, people assumed I had it all figured out.

Others thought I must be fit and exercise all the time. But the truth? I was struggling postpartum.

Exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and persistent back pain were my new norm after baby. I was coping with leaks every time I sneezed or jumped.
Somewhere between sleepless nights, managing patient care at the physical therapy clinic and the unending demands of motherhood, I began to feel like a shadow of myself. I poured all my energy into caring for everyone else—my family, patients, and work—without realizing I was running on empty. I ignored the signs my body and mind were giving me, brushing them off as "normal" postpartum struggles.

My rock-bottom moment came during a busy day at the physical therapy clinic. I was constantly exhausted from juggling the demands of childcare and patient care, but that day felt particularly overwhelming. Patient care was never-ending, and while I was instructing my patients to practice healthy lifestyles, deep down, I knew my lifestyle was at its worst. My heart was racing, and my body was screaming and asking me to rest. It hit me like a wake-up call: I cannot continue this way. When not modelling it myself, how can I tell others to prioritize their health and wellness?

That realization forced me to confront the truth I had been avoiding. I was neglecting my well-being in the name of serving others. It was a humbling and painful moment, but it also catalyzed change.

I began applying everything I had learned and preached to my body — starting with small, manageable changes. I prioritized healing through small diet changes, gentle movements, mindfulness, and building consistent habits that supported recovery. Letting go of the guilt of putting myself first was a challenge, but I knew it was necessary.

The result was transformative. My strength returned, not just physically but emotionally and mentally. I began to feel aligned with the message I had been sharing with my patients. My body started to heal, my mind became more apparent, and I reconnected with a version of myself I thought I had lost.

Postpartum is messy. It is the most vulnerable time in a woman’s life. Applying everything I learned and preached to my healing was challenging but also the most beautiful and rewarding experience.
My story, my pain, my struggle and my healing NOW turn it into my service for YOU, my dear fellow sisters and friends! That is why I said this is a miracle, but it is possible! Trust me, bit by bit, little by little, if we attend to what our body needs, we can transform our pain into our resilience!

I transformed my life, and now my passion is to see you transform yours. My “mechanic” character and “steel” energy make me a deep thinker, analyzer, and planner. I will show you how to use your pain to radiate your resilience! I’m ready to return this energy to YOU and the divine universe! I would love to help you along your journey to health and wellness!