From Junk Food to Whole Food: Small Changes That Will Stick

From Junk Food to Whole Food: Small Changes That Will Stick

As a mom, juggling the demands of family, work, and self-care can often leave us feeling exhausted and disconnected from our own wellness.

I’ve been there, and I understand the struggle. But let me share something with you that could make a world of difference—small, sustainable changes to your nutrition that don’t feel overwhelming.

Years ago, I found an amazing book called ‘Change One’ at a discount bookstore. For just $6, it turned out to be one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my health, and I still refer to the wisdom in this book with my clients.

Why Small Changes Matter

The book’s core message is simple: To create and maintain long-term health and wellness, ease yourself into it. When it comes to food, instead of making drastic, overwhelming changes all at once, start small. Focus on changing one or two things that feel manageable. If you try to overhaul everything in one week, it will likely feel exhausting and lead to frustration. Trust me—change takes time, and small steps are often the most sustainable.

As someone who coaches women navigating both postpartum and later stages of motherhood, I know how challenging it can be to find time for yourself, let alone focus on healthy eating. That’s why I recommend taking gradual, meaningful steps.

Swap Processed for Whole Foods, Gently

I guide my clients to eliminate most—not all—processed foods. Let’s be real, no one is perfect! I know I’ll never be 100% whole foods, and I don’t expect that from my clients either. Life happens, and a little flexibility is key to sustainability.

Let’s start with a simple change: breakfast. If you’re used to grabbing a sugary, processed breakfast bar, which may only provide 200 calories of carbs and protein, it’s time for a healthier swap. Try a hard-boiled egg and a banana, both of which are easy to prep and just as quick to eat!

Healthy Swaps for Your Favorite Snacks

If you love snacking (and let’s face it, many of us do), don’t feel like you have to give up your favorites entirely. For example, I adore popcorn, and there’s no need to ditch it. Just choose a healthier version like SkinnyPop, which contains just three simple ingredients: non-GMO popcorn, oil, and salt.

If chips are your go-to snack, try switching Fritos for sweet potato-based Taro Chips. If you need your chocolate fix, opt for organic dark chocolate instead of processed versions.

Reading Labels: Your Best Friend

When making these changes, reading ingredient lists is crucial. If you can’t pronounce what’s on the label, it’s probably best to put it back on the shelf. Healthy options usually have fewer ingredients that you can actually understand.

Embrace Your Health Journey

Remember, the road to health isn’t about perfection. It’s a journey—especially when you’re balancing postpartum recovery, dealing with persistent pain, or rebuilding core strength. Small, mindful changes are key to long-term wellness and vitality.

You don’t need to leap into drastic changes all at once. Instead, start where you are, and let your body and your taste buds adjust at their own pace. It’s about making progress, not striving for perfection.

How are you incorporating small changes into your diet and lifestyle? Take a moment to reflect on one simple change you’re ready to make, and share it in the comments below. You’ll be entered to win a Whole Foods Market prize package to support you on your wellness journey!

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